Saturday, April 04, 2020

the cult of the shining city embraces the plague

(Palazzo dei Normanni in Palermo via 360Visio on fb)

"With Stygian tenderness and a green twig."

"...Through paths obscure
We wend; and I, who but a moment since
Dreaded no flying weapons of the Greeks,
Nor dense battalions of the adverse hosts,
Now start in terror at each rustling breeze,
And every common sound, held in suspense
With equal fears for those attending me,
And for the burthen that I bore along."

--Cranch's Æneid, II.

The occulted meaning of Covid-19.

helpless CRAFT
pastimes with a sharp RAZOR

interminable new Dylan song
spatters the AZURE

running out of so many things still carry
on with FORMS

on the dream's threshold
a feather or a gold TRESS


(via autumnal-solstice via weepingvixen on tumblr)



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