Thursday, August 06, 2020

how to write a poem in a time of quarantine (day 149)

(tim wetherell on fb)

Dance, dance, while the hive collapses.

"To me there is nothing better than a damp, grey day, and a damp, grey mist, and greyness all about me, and freedom to become a part of it." --@IComptonBurnett

Downward spiral to the lost ark. (thread)

gray of near rain without the rain coming
it stays like this for hours

Sadalbari. Tchu-kor.
A Snakefinger song.

growing gaunt
in the certitude of annihilation

"I find it deeply ironic—but absolutely predictable—that my best books are out of print while the crappiest thing I ever wrote—The Centauri Device-–tootles along under the rubric 'masterwork'."

"Pause and remain, I pray, and tell me who thou art, who comest thus to the accursed solitude wherein I die." --@KlarkashT

(lanny quarles on fb)


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