Saturday, September 05, 2020

dead as a sun (day 179)

(hdesigns333 on tumblr)

Night gaunts & scuba breath.

"INCLUSION (which features only the letters in its title)

Inclusion is sonic.

Iconic illusions
soon lull us
in solo collusion.

Unconscious collisions
coin conscious conclusions,
so coil in
innocuous noons…."


AI jukebox.

"Word of the Day: PLICATILE (adj.) able to be folded" --@HaggardHawks

Rokkudaun basilisk.

Tara casts a CARAT
by mirror ALIBI,
many ices' RIGOR

the song we rise ABOVE
smacks of burning TIRES
next book of OCTET

gazes through keyhole CRANE
at rare roadkill TAPAS
thus we worse ENACT

economical TESTS
in the stunned brillig OVATE
blackshirts droll but VAPID

canyonlands Mars-APING
with that rutilant TINGE
& a shiv barely EDGED

"Just because MY blog is dead, and MOST blogs are dead, that doesn’t mean ALL blogs are dead."

"Dyfractency, n. the state of being twice broken" --@fantasticvocab

In the dusk of the dawn.

(mrtsk on tumblr)

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