Monday, November 14, 2016

tall racks hint

(trump towers barricaded, via @nycjim)

Kameron Hurley weighs in.

"Do you still get excited about making music?

Sandoval: It’s a necessary evil; we just have to do it."

--interview with Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions

"Neruda was spared the sight of Chile’s grim descent into torture and extrajudicial killing, and the imposition of a regime of murderous silence. But he did not vanish: his poems of revolutionary love were like fireflies in Chile’s dark night, providing sparks of hope that the day of liberation would come." (via feuilleton blog)

"There is a time when men's strongest need
is for the winds..."

--Bowra's Pindar

"And will they also laugh in the dark days?


But they will. Later. About how they thought those early dark days were dark."


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