Tuesday, December 05, 2017

the night george bernard shaw spent in jail

Coackroach personalities.

places where there is no road
out by the dumpster
heart pounding · at peace

Liquid Sky retrospective.

Black: bambang_suprihandono

1. h3 d5
2. g4 e5
3. Bg2 Be6
4. d3 Bd6
5. Nf3 Nc6
6. O-O Qd7
7. Ng5 O-O-O
8. Nxe6 fxe6
9. c4 e4
10. dxe4 dxc4
11. Nc3 Nf6
12. Qa4 Kb8
13. Qxc4 Ne5
14. Qb3 Nc6
15. Be3 a6
16. f4 e5
17. Rad1 Qe7
18. g5 Nh5
19. Nd5 Qd7
20. f5 Ng3
21. Ba7+ Kxa7
22. Qxg3 Nd4
23. Qd3 Bc5
24. Kh1 c6
25. e3 cxd5
26. exd4 Bxd4
27. exd5 Qa4
28. Rc1 Qxa2
29. Rc7 Rc8
30. d6 Rxc7
31. dxc7 Rc8
32. Rc1 Qxb2
33. Rb1 Qxb1+
34. Qxb1 Rxc7
35. Bd5 Be3
36. f6 gxf6

i was mesmerized by the beautiful possibilities of B;g5, f7! (better than Qg1+ first) Be2, Qg1+ & Q:g7 (winning, whether Black answers b6 or Ka1) or Rc1+, Q:c1 B:c1, fg--& overlooked this simple rejoinder.




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