Tuesday, February 06, 2018

feral tarot

What? did they fear those tiny beginnings of our now-glorious swamps & fantastic incandescent deserts?

Malignant loneliness.

Too often it's the dummy that answers.

Golgonooza News. Hail the depth of the skin. "Making things more obscure is Eldridge's modus operandi, whether intentional or not" Good selection of images. And still more.

"For words are not thoughts we have but ideas in things, and the poet must attend not to what he means to say but to what what he says means." --The HD Book

Timelapse stained glass.

clodmotes gather
inter-urbana Aklo chase
ash cloak
clodmote gather

"Around all our sentences lie the deforested lands, the denuded and poisoned oceans, the lost soil, the vast herds of creatures living and dying invisibly in dark sheds."



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