Saturday, June 09, 2018

skylark cento


this ain't the first planet
to say nothing of a Release
speaking of peculiar things
enigmatic Nth space
thick-clustered groups
wanted for piracy, drug-mongering
a glop-skinner's glove
whisked her from the spaceport
those mass hysterias
invisible hovering, three-dimensional hyper-circle
functioned perfectly
this was an impasse

the sun was a blue giant
Brobdingnagian fabrication
a third-level operator
maximum blast
a yieldlessness
a glop-skinner's glove
the airlessness of absolute space
do not relax your vigilance in the slightest
nothing that occurred should irk you
a few tons of foreign matter on the planet's surface

orgiastic Saturnalia
in the macro-cosmos, causation prevails



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