Saturday, July 14, 2018

pardoner's tale

"Five languages secured not the epitaph of Gordianus." --Sir Thomas Browne

Vocabulario Rioplatense Razonado. "Gua Castellana made up of the Real Acade mia EspaƱola, 6 of which gives an imperfect idea, due to the vagueness, deficiency or in accuracy of the news that has been ministered to it. In the second place, keep in mind that you must ignore the muchedum of voices and exotic phrases that, both in America and in Spain, distort and punish the speech in which Ercilla sang the strength of the Araucanians. Finally, remember that once the word has been found, it is necessary to look for its etymology, which is not always found love no. Be that as it may, the Rioplatense Vocabulary that we offer to the public, although reasoned, according to the cover, is very modest; circumstance (be it said in passing) that benefits the book: its very smallness preserves it against a certain known poison. Do you preserve it? There is never a lack of a gang - of tertu lios that snake and go out of their way to bite even those who do not invoke more title than a healthy intention to deserve the indulgence of their readers." (Google Translate)

"your hands do they know they know"

nobody wants this fortune, COMET
of impossible ORNATE

weighing of contingencies ev'ry hour
with bleak MATHS

a dark roux at eight
light years, runs regular or ETHYL

Graywyvern in the pulpit
preaches black TESLA



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