Saturday, February 09, 2019

25. B0083OMB16

11 poems for Apollo 11.

Old hardback special Britain issue of Texas quarterly, on page 84 Sylvia Plath has a poem, "Witch Burning." It's 1961. She sent it to them in Texas, & they used it. Later i find that for this poem & another she was paid $35. Lunch with the editor in London. "Charming, odd man, " she writes.

four years' cold trail
not Kapteyn b
my ansible trill four years' cold trail
this quest beyond control
paraffin alibi
four years' cold trail
not Kapteyn b

black wheels without hubcaps
cerulean so pale
the things that inspire
a chore to compile
the list of a fall
this queueship so fell
we struggle to merge
before there's a sun
i sit here & write
a fragile design
the list of a fall
this queueship so fell
a half-caf to go
of misto & jam
from Senegal pours
O Holiday Boojum
the fist of a loll
this queueful so sharp
black wheels without hubcaps

Do we need gender-neutral or just nonstandard-gender-friendly parenting? Is there causation or just correlation between yang, maleness, & rapacity? What would rapacity be without dominance-drive in a hierarchy? Is there good-yang, like hot rod culture & rock? Can we end the binary of gender & still prize valor?



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