Tuesday, February 26, 2019

42. 6 days of the kondo

(via dualvoidanima on tumblr)

"That Haraway’s name was less routinely dropped in press releases and curatorial statements this year than last might be taken as evidence that her ideas have percolated through to the theoretical bedrock of contemporary art."

through the high sentences
there was time
uncial striation
is carnal tuition

warble of the job routine
fletcher niebelung
uncial striation
is carnal tuition

i download for free
uncial striation
is carnal tuition

this is war
you are here to be destroyed

by our games gone haywire
this is war

as scourges never were
in the war god's stride

this is war
you are here

to be destroyed

"...I forgot I'd learned to recognize the sound of
my bones becoming brittle

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