Saturday, March 16, 2019

60. in the company of emojis

"...Endure/ vigil's identity with entrapment." --Geoffrey Hill

Even more Sharbat (thread).

" 'By having'...!"

part of the clasp broken
don't know when

sound of gulls
like nothing else on earth

Kindness is the only gift; if you don't give it to your kids you give them nothing. Every act of joining expresses the desire to be thought worthy of kindness. The rolls of the aspiring fill, yet the earth is a howling wilderness without that simple thing--rarer than diamonds, though rather more easily produced.

the glow of the new water dispenser
the very hungry president

hungry, very hungry
hungrier than anyone

we are lined up on the bank
of a river with teeth

Ishmael Reed on Hamilton. (via feuilleton)



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