Friday, March 29, 2019

73. making friends with a haunted bridge

"...They move beneath deep arches back through time,
Recalling ecstasy in foxglove dells,
Homecoming cattle, or the silver chime,
Colder than salt-spring, of Bavarian bells."

--Charles Spear (1951)

"If London is a metropolis of pigeons, Tokyo is a megalopolis of crows."

at Tsvetaeva's grave
after the sun has gone
a surly groove
at Tsvetaeva's grave
the empty years grieve
replete with bad gain
at Tsvetaeva's grave
after the sun has gone

in the blue hour
shakin' hands with Charles de Gaulle
unless you see you don't
some of these February days
should end up in August
windy passage over sidewalk & mud
echoes of the blue hour
when nothing of the coming night could yet be known

"Fusha is for parroting the official line; Darja is for telling it like it is."

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