Friday, September 27, 2019


(via mrstsk on tumblr)

"When that wicked king was slain, the dogs, did they not lick his blood?" --@MobyDickatSea

"More forgiveably, perhaps, a writer of my ilk—I am not alone—is very apt to believe that excess is a kind of Body English of true telling, that more is more, that a sufficiently meme-irradiated passage can with luck implorate us truthwards: get the handwavium right, and you have spelunked the deep grammars of the storyable, where desiderium becomes prolepsis, where the Uncanny—all Stories are uncanny, all Stories are invasions of the world on behalf of the unspoken—does the Mysterious Stranger Rag."

as dragon magic finally waned
levedad del ser
the Serpent Destiny reader
cake pop full of mold
quarry all frith
Ragnarok gliding
so subfusc coruscate
trace insomniac channel
urticant light of raven
violet ceremonies bear
Uqbar in the dock · thesterness
tall at noon talion greed
sequestered jury rig
ragpicker sunrise
quick frown boxcar
partial win

picking up an old anthology
i should have been included in
its maker dead now · carillon
& surplus fucking elegy

O why am i still casting scones,
cantos guiding sunk by float?
condign enough this uppercut
as for raghdirst i sullenly jones

"Eco-hardcore music began with bands like Polluted Inheritance..."


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