Saturday, October 12, 2019

stillness squeaks

(@41Strange via @Anthony_Etherin)

"This house has been decided by the sea."

Once i fled North, as far as i could ride,
till i stood by the shores of Hudson Bay
and saw where springtime's Fahrenheit so high
had melted part, & there clear water made.
Now i imagine we will have to show
viddies of when our world was crowned with ice
for those to come, if they would snatch a dose;
or on some indoor snow-machine rely...

But that were least of what we stand to lose
cruel year by crueler year, where we are bound,
& almost all our treasures wrack-impugned.
Remembered white in this slight poem i house,
for what else falls to no skald's power to mend.

"Across the Caribbean, reports abounded of lionfish invading our reefs in troubling numbers."


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