Friday, November 29, 2019

angry defenders of the sky

(kowloon walled city, via)

"Latin is no longer the bedrock of education that it used to be (along with Greek, for that matter), but all the while it has remained a totemic language—attractive to religious schools, nationalists, and traditionalists alike for its implicit cultural authority, its tradition of exclusivity, power, and prestige." (via aldaily)

cloudcuckooland, its verdict: SPINAL
verbalization crafts a fine POMELO

Uqbar toured
glasspak IMPALA

remnants of the old big festooned house
emerge, a reluctance to NEATEN

so to say
if found, a removed ALLELE

if allowed, a bridge
to what comes after · groves by the workers LOANED

"Circle squarers and angle trisectors have been around for as long as the problems themselves. The ancient Greeks used the word τετραγωνιζειν (tetragonidzein), which translates 'to occupy oneself with the quadrature,' to describe those trying to solve the circle-squaring problem."

(via v. p. crow on fb)

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