Wednesday, November 06, 2019

lincoln in the bergdahl


"I desperately want to show my daughter the world, yet I despair at what’s become of it, what will have become of it, by the time she understands how much we’ve lost and for what."

landscape of KARST
whose sway gains traction APACE

cinderblock RADON

Rodan’s thrash in CineSCOPE
rears a fane without TENET

losing’s raw GAMUT
rueful hearts cannot ATONE
sighting of a MOOSE

normalcy’s return UNSET
this little mother has TEETH

of closing WISPS
of stark & sober INPUT
mansions from this SPORE

quaff the media PUREE
cannot be the last to STEER

fine rain of ASHES
sun through bare branches is STARK
Tower of HANOI
the steps as these coasts ERODE

we contemplate the last SKIES

giant wingèd CRABS
in whose form the world’s REMAP
ongoing, AMPLE

& our vows fangled of BALSA
melt in the air as we SPEAK

horrorshow ASSET
starring in the Burgess SHALE

Armageddon SAKES
as the monsters we ELECT
in confined space grow TESTY

in the ash CAPER
lit on nitro AGAVE

this random PAEAN
no plesk nor fry can EVADE

it’s our vows we must RENEW

the search never FACED
in the jostle to ADORE
orbit of CONIC
narrated by ERICA

slow turkey much like DECAF

cultivating WARTS
under threat-filled AZURE

on my last RUPEE
so many times * the soft TREAD
of bard-stealth much too SEEDY

the lake’s orange VESTS
half the way there nil EQUIP
& junkie SUMMA
electric chair with TIMER
in Tvashtar a groshing SPARK

telescopic SPRAT
yacht pretty good gunboat PROVE
black assassin ROBES

extraction worse to AVERT
we thought we had done with TESTS

big-endian GATES
watched without the AUDIO
barbaric IDYLL

endangered like the TILDE
worn out like cheap rubber SOLES

penultimate BANGS
target tied to an ABELE
wander the NEGEV
live-streamed slaughter on the GLEBE
gleams presently the SEVEN

duelling VACUA
termination of AEONS

wrap in coil phone CORDS
call the myst’ry not UNDUE

luncheon with the red ASSET

felt but not seen HAIRS
drinking Chartreuse is ARSON

no other ISSUE

to small revolts you must ROUSE
half looking out * nimbly STEER

old crossed-off address
caring befits a RELIC
choice-fetish ELDER
gods * what shakes forth from the SIEVE
can’t-yet-figure-out-what lost SCREW

otherworld DIETS
not Doric nor IONIC
blizzard ENEMA

tire pressure race the TIMER
i am old & bear the SCARS

twilight on the MARSH
wounds on Liberty AGAPE
ruler with RAZOR

jet scooter Alderaan SPORT
screams vying dog-whistle HERTZ

this is not the LARCH
this is not our ALOHA

insanity ROVES

why should we not follow CHEAT
choosing our ends in such HASTE

having that ETHIC
doesn’t make you the clouds’ THANE

irony HAVEN

at mere survival INEPT
says two bits make fifty CENTS

vestige DEISM
sundry cuckoo clocks ENSUE
ride a rogue ISLET

castle supple as SUEDE
all the bad laws you’ve METED

double-ended WICKS
open another INLET

marches lonely CLONE

certificate in KENYA
short track for the train of STEAM

drive three in two LANES
the helpless-feeling AGENT
pain that is NEWER

trouble yearns for ENEMA
dildo with a leather STRAP

this dark house REBEL
whose lights are the more EERIE
the blindfolded BRIDE

on crucifix of EIDER
each clock with the wrong time LEERS

by bad laws, by GENES
hoi polloi less than EQUAL
calls for a brisk NUDGE

in the realm of the EAGLE
prey makes those great feathers SLEEK

what soothes, what will SCALD
each truth measured in CURIE
& art of ARSON

i scold the other LIONS
no matter we grow less DENSE

gush through the door JAMBS
is it time this shift ABORT

"only a MOVIE"

placated by a small BRIBE
summit win however STEEP

comparison LIMPS
in my public IDAHO
yield no such MANOR

book written on a cell PHONE
the sky erupts in huge SORES

then impetus FADES
shaky-writer’s-hand ABODE

the children can DODGE

an environment less EDGED
someday (how?) from these sharp SEEDS

the Maelstrom of FACTS
no raft of fancy AVAIL
sleep on wet CACTI

by methane lakes on TITAN
Goliath ponders a SLING

t’ward injection TENSE
sings silicon ERICA

if sixes were NINES

this necropastoral SCENE
angst a little death EASES

at dusk face ASHEN
esocya inlari SMILE

break out into HIVES

as the penitent ELECT
go back to their ruined NESTS

perihelion’s FAULT
all the molten disks AGREE

parable URBAN
lifelong on a six-month LEASE

differ a single TENET

carol in HAZAJ
drifting through a world AFIRE
& one more ZIMME
to adorn my nesh ARMOR
hurt worst by the ricochet JEERS

this cliff face, sheer KARST,
has its own frank AROMA

song of the ROTOR
song of the making of SMOKE

we were destined to be TARES

waiting on EURUS
or maybe Queen UHURA
karst that’s RURAL

saucer crash in the URALS
terish like homemade SALSA

stark gun-sung karst

Slave revolt reenactment.

(via @CrookedCosmos)

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