Thursday, December 19, 2019

dark chocolate peppermint bark

"Heidegger, who admired Celan's work, tried to make him feel welcome in Freiburg. He even asked a book-dealer friend to go around all the bookshops in the city making sure they put Celan titles in their windows so the poet would see them as he walked through town. This is a touching story, especially as it is the single documented example I have come across of Heidegger actually doing something nice." --Sarah Bakewell, The Existentialist Cafe (2016)


back into the VATS
pterodactyls ATOP
the lost microTONE

like this our months are SPED
wrecks by snits are VIED
records for desert ISLE

suicide ELAN
in midden make a DENT
sure to eat your BRAN

it never was a RACE
wrinkles from ACNE
not once veshch you NEED

your mome raths ABET
hist'ry of larger BORE
no survivor ERRS

the practice was the TEST

I know why the cranched bird sings.

("Nightfall" by Radu Beicin via aqua-regia009 on tumblr)



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