Saturday, March 28, 2020

the moth

"The dwarfs began to recite the Koran with their clear shrill voices, and Shaban and Sutlememe stood at some distance, anxiously waiting for the effects of the powder." --Vathek


"Isled in the midnight air,
Musked with the dark's faint bloom,
Out into glooming and secret haunts
The flame cries, 'Come!'

Lovely in dye and fan,
A-tremble in shimmering grace,
A moth from her winter swoon
Uplifts her face:

Stares from her glamorous eyes;
Wafts her on plumes like mist;
In ecstasy swirls and sways
To her strange tryst."

--Walter de la Mare

"He had a Caesar’s arrogance about his poetry, as most poets do; but 'The Cost' remains the only important poem to come out of that lost war in Southeast Asia."


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