business model
"Each minute of man's safety he does walk
A bridge no thicker than his frozen breath
O'er a precipitous and craggy danger
Yawning to death!
A perilous sea it is,
'Twixt this and Jove's throne, whose tumultuous waves
Are heaped contending ghosts! There is no passing,
But by those slippery, distant stepping-stones,
Which frozen Odin trod, and Mahomet,
With victories harnessed to his crescent sledge,
And building waves of blood upon the shallow,
O'erpassed triumphant: first a pile of thrones
And broken nations, then the knees of men.
From whence, to catch the lowest root of heaven,
We must embrace the winged waist of fame,
Or nest within opinion's palmy top
'Till it has mixed its leaves with Atlas' hair,
Quicker to grow than were the men of Cadmus--"
--Beddoes, The Second Brother, III.
Song of corona. (via lanny quarles on fb)
spiralling creepyPASTA
most tart of ALOES
non-essential worker of them all
tortoise SOARS
pictures of crowds what time was that what blithe rote
each burial TERSE
will it even matter who Graywyvern knows
was a Putinist ASSET
"...delightful as the pastime of measuring may be, it is the most futile of all occupations, and to submit to the decrees of the measurers the most servile of attitudes." --Virginia Woolf
(via glitchphotography on tumblr)
Labels: #ghazals, #hasyan_yecya
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