Tuesday, May 12, 2020

seatbelts for dirtpiles

(pic of blue angels in richardson by dwayne carter on fb)

"There was, a century or two since, in England a man called the water-poet, by the name of Taylor. The origin of the cognomen we do not now recollect. He had, however, but little reputation as a scholar, and less probably as a correct moral philosopher. Being called in company on his wit, he was challenged to write something which no one else could, whereupon, almost impromptu, he produced the following sentence: 'Lewd I did live & evil did I dwell.' The sentence reads forward and backward the same. Can any of our readers give us a sentence of equal length similar to it?" The Ladies' Repository, January 1850

"Having a baby is like the dark souls of tamagotchi" --@grimezsz

Social collapse best practices.

now mum PIANO
i call from this ISLET
chagrinned & ALERT

peace that works my last NERVE
plague pert as OTTER
sole droog Beethoven's NINTH

or let IDAHO
compound your gaze NAVEL
on a mortal THEME

pumpkin carving more HOLES
ice crashing the SPARS
beasts flee burning PANIC

in cloudwise ANISE
the continent's RISEN
that explains this SCENE

Did Galileo really say it?

(europa via @christianbok)



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