Saturday, June 06, 2020

fear & loathing in the cheetohbunker (day 88)


Yet another album from ビコジン協会.

“Do not fall asleep in your enemy’s dream.”

--John Edgar Wideman via @svenbirkerts

"This AI-written pop song is almost certainly a dire warning for humanity."

colorful socks peek
through the holes in my dark ones;
when we're done with news

from some other age of wars
music that shows none of it

Into the ruins.

"But Memnon's sculptured woes did once melodiously resound; now all is mute. Fit emblem that of old, poetry was a consecration and an obsequy to all hapless modes of human life; but in a bantering, barren, and prosaic, heartless age, Aurora's music-moan is lost among our drifting sands, which whelm alike the monument and the dirge." --Pierre, VII, vi.




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