Saturday, June 20, 2020

in the howling storm (day 102)

(etherdreamsmag via lofiwave on tumblr)


"You is sharks, sartin; but if you gobern de shark in you, why den you be angel; for all angel is not'ing more dan de shark well goberned." --@MobyDickAtSea

Free jazz day. (via feuilleton)

there will come a reckoning
i don't know how or when
the rule of law will return
there will come a reckoning

as scorned by Atlantis
as scorned by America
there will come a reckoning

i don't know how or when

"...I was re-reading Huysmans’ À Rebours a couple of weeks ago, and Civilité is mentioned there as being a type that Des Esseintes chooses for some of his privately-printed books."

"Under the piecemeal damask canopy" --The Ring and the Book

(setamo-arts on tumblr)

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