Saturday, August 22, 2020

the dove alone (day 165)


Are we not drawn onward?

"The nightly news venting the nonstop national horror while each commercial break beams images of dads playing catch with sons and moms whirling the latest revolutionary mop across acres of hardwood floor." --@svenbirkerts

Lioconcha Hieroglyphica.

Doomscrolling wind, within this fastness loiter
whether you carry news or just the sound,
aching in my hand
or preface to the crash of brick & mortar.
Somewhere there must transpire some powerful thing
far beyond velleities of will
& i would fain be told,
if telling at all be your bright gear among.
But no, there's only noise.Such dooms as shrill
to poets' ears, are faithless--as of old.

A signed copy of Silverpoints.

"Banisht from liuing wights, our wearie dayes we waste" --The Faerie Queene



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