Wednesday, February 01, 2006

10. "Hunt Effigies by Marrowlight"

i thought i'd found my affinity, instead Queen Mab
left me lost in the forest alone, O baobab

of Night...& all that thrashing around, what did it do
but waste my strength in futile attempts, her sylphs to grab?

at last, defeated, abandoning hope, i became
site of Walpurgis revels, that moon-drunken confab.

the reason for this deception then disclosed itself:
i would have to admit the Satyr into my lab.

so dawn arrived, & i was most amazed to be back
in the City, in my body--no longer a cab,

no longer beast, simply
me--with my varied desires
& my half-formed plans. Lorenzo Magus, now's the tab.


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