Monday, September 22, 2014

List of Summons Who Servers are Not Named After

      “Counting Ghosts

Sun-seldom, stone declivity,
one among a host on CLEAR ALE DAY;
graffiti on one side i focus with difficulty
walls slide-veering off: ALL ARE DECAY

& beyond, bright, where things are being ripped up
before they can be rebuilt, by ARCADE ALLEY.

invisible dragons coil on the weather radar
elliptical Metalachi
stream of bats flowing up into the twilight
jittery particles almost without sound
somewhere a counter clockwise drain
Google Street View 2010
did that construction
ever finish

His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep
an order traced by silver fires
the Great Telescope
Number 4 in the General Catalogue

consumed by firenado fury
now known as Gliese 667
on the wall: “DYMO
on the dumpster: “SMOG”
Batman explored the shores of Port Phillip
famous twilight          world of eternal dusk
“N ZCHEM          et in Arcadia

consumed & reborn

smell of hot wet metal, spita
a ring of tomatoes
star bouncing in the telescope
the drive ahead, visualized
while it is dark out still
counting ghosts
& ghosts of ghosts
the white coffee cup coming almost clean
my page shredded even in the typewriter
steeled to torture but not this
through pedestrian-thronged streets a jellyfish walking
flash atop faint towers in the rain

thoughts that would explode
any other head
here find benign abode

thoughts that would explode
gathered on the road
of ecstasy & dread

thoughts that would explode
any other head

Cold wind from the dead,  EURUS,
this bright morning,    ULEMA
says. I pry lids with     REBAR
apart, wage word      UMAMI
on a Serengeti of      SARIN.


Tripping with Allah.



Blogger michael said...

aurora photo by alexander gerst on twitter

7:21 AM  

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