Friday, February 09, 2018

Cached Moment Glints Mown

("Marion Davies by Elmer Fryer, 1920s": via In Search of Pagan Hollywood on Fb)

"Wreckage is romantic. But a politics of ruin is doomed."

The blue of this sky is not a koan.

Ponjo lojbo citno girzu 2. (via) --And: number 1

A new house has inexplicable sounds like an old house, but different ones.

The art of language invention on YouTube.

Two barely distinguishable but not quite matching socks: an affront to the idea of order. As if all such attempted pairings were equally misguided.

Clowncast discusses the 8 Commandments.

the sharks talk only to the jets
& the jets talk only to god
try talking to your despair instead
& twitterbots

the writing life, with
nothing written down
wings made of paraffin
to penetrate the drouth

the poem for which rilke waited
& missed his daughter's wedding for
is now a shark in decay,
jet by gremlins boarded



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