Friday, April 05, 2019

80. accelerate grim nutrition

(pic by greg metz on fb)

They can't make me care about their stupid TV show, no matter how many others do.

Inside the bascule chamber. (via feuilleton)

(for W S Merwin)

a name that could be this way spelled
or that way spelled
in the mind
without recourse to google
thread leading back
to primordial doubt
sunrise or dusk the same light

"...I can not imagine how profoundly dehumanizing it must have been for W., Jeb, and company to grow up with a father who could justify training paramilitary death squads to invade Latin America, and in turn how dehumanizing it must have been for George Senior to grow up with a father, Senator Prescott Bush, who could justify helping finance Adolf Hitler during World War II to expand the family fortun."


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