Saturday, April 13, 2019

88. target-rich environment

(via audiovisual-dept on tumblr)

"...Sherlock composing a monograph on the ash of all known sorts of cigars and with this ash as with a talisman progressing through a crystal labyrinth of possible deductions to the one radiant conclusion." --V Nabokov, The Luzhin Defense (tr Scammell, 1964)

"The only really good news is that the river’s not flowing backwards any more."

as they call it
by the old calendar
going · but hot & cold still play
their tag

versts ago
written on soap
you would say it's dying
zero-sum theologies
are prey to those bleak metaphors
because who else is there babbles them
concrete wreckage amid · song rising t'ward
digital dropbox where i squander guesses
clasp fetters · preach stillness of insolence
bark out hymns of penury · covet
a whole night's sleep in the forest
zoobies salvaged from the pyre
you know as Making It
xiphopagus school
wielding patterns
Vogon ode

sometimes butterfly
but the rest of the time a worm in the dirt

"Gordon Parks had his camera, which for him was as powerful a 'weapon' as any."


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