Monday, February 10, 2020

long pig latin

(via @CrookedCosmos)

Sharon Dilute.

our land shall reap no parallel AWARD
as dunce-acquittal from the team hayWIRER

slouching through Bedlam; what, then, of one's duty
to maintain carnival in the sand ARENA?

here among microcrises superstition
flourishes; old errors would RENEW

Atlantis slides to the bottom of the sea:
so forcefully to our contretemps we're DRAWN

creeping amidst the barricades & traffic
radio gives no hint of enemies LISTS

to win in one small game, & for a time,
half-aware of the wrath towering INERT

already these late vistas lose their shape
melting into sentiment & SEPIA

linear tosh, farewell; let flicker ride
crackle a moment-spark on the siren's TRILL

weary with two worlds' abuse, Graywyvern
carved realist Noh to cherry stones on his STALK

New Scarlett Thomas.

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