Friday, May 22, 2020

it can be done (day 73)


"In bright mercurial arabesques there flamed" --Nimrod, VII.

"On top of this pulsing bed of noise he wailed, shrieked, moaned and caterwauled, and even those who knew no Japanese or had never witnessed one of his performances were unable to tear themselves away.."

legless fetch
agley · flick merch
isthmus psych
of fester stoep
ichor thorp
hatch ugly slant

Second act problems.

Emily Dickinson: Grief is a Mouse

"Grief is a Mouse—
And chooses Wainscot in the Breast
For His Shy House—
And baffles quest—

Grief is a Thief—quick startled—
Pricks His Ear—report to hear
Of that Vast Dark—
That swept His Being—back—

Grief is a Juggler—boldest at the Play—
Lest if He flinch—the eye that way
Pounce on His Bruises—One—say—or Three—
Grief is a Gourmand—spare His luxury—

Best Grief is Tongueless—before He’ll tell—
Burn Him in the Public Square—
His Ashes—will
Possibly—if they refuse—How then know—
Since a Rack couldn’t coax a syllable—now"

(via voxpopulisphere via michael simms on fb)

"...just as the Eskimos have countless words for snow, the Romanian language seems to have just as many associated with failure."

(@KT_NRE via @AE_stallings)



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