Sunday, May 24, 2020

supply chain (day 75)


"Your glacier beauty of precipitous wings" --Nimrod, V.


"There was a young girl from Iraq
Whose penury wanted to mock
If asked 'Does it shower
To a finicky tower?'
She answered 'I lasso o'clock' "



souvenir of the MALAYS
or immaterial AMULET

affliction so far

but to scry beyond the fog-wall of let's-see
raven ALBINO

when all about you are losing theirs
goatfoot intramural YEANED

the icy air pouring down · this strong redoubt
inchmeal STRODE

"At the same time, I can’t help but wonder—like a myriad others— why we can respond so effectively to this relatively small immediate crisis but not to the gargantuan one that’s been swallowing the planet for generations."


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