Friday, June 26, 2020

the dreaded lurgi (day 108)


In the dead of night.

"There stood he chiding dilatory grooms" --The Ring and the Book

The only exit from modern philosophy.

obelisk of wokeness
fetid Joker's wild
shredder full of bills due
sad Beelzebub
all your ills belong

Romeward reeled the pilgrim
utter Milgrimage
shredder emptied daily
diet Paleo
in my waly walk

"The terrifying word passes over every limit and even the limitlessness of the whole: it seizes the thing from a direction from which it is not taken, not seen, and will never be seen; it transgresses laws, breaks away from orientation, it disorients."

"Income: some coin." --@AnthonyEtherin (palindrome by pairs)

(noirlac on tumblr)


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