Sunday, July 19, 2020

vexations (day 131)

(st giorgio maggiore in venice by 360 visio on fb)

Roman ring mystery.

"The most depressing part about being an historian who studies plague (among other things) during a pandemic is watching people react to deadly disease outbreaks almost exactly the same way 16th & 17th century Europeans did." --@jotis13

"I have been thinking a lot about Dr. Lorna Breen."

impotent wizard rails
at the blossoming spirals

written-on paper
is all this hour may reap

indefinite end
but that there is a need

unedifying spectacle
i tread with a slow golf cleat

"...species that, separated by water, islanded, evolved differently..."

"[loading bodies into the repurposed hockey rink] i hope our statues are safe" --@Theophite


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