Monday, August 10, 2020

inflation saints (day 153)

"The hero of Huysmans’ classic novel, À rebours, comments that 'the works of Barbey d’Aurevilly were the only ones whose ideas and style offered the gaminess he so loved to savour in the Latin and decadent, monastic writers of past ages.' "

"A book spends a very short time being written into existence; it spends the rest of its life being read into existence." --M John Harrison

"Swinton’s remote diction is combined with slow, crawling tracking shots over the surfaces of giant concrete structures that we are asked to parse as traces of abandoned future cultures."

wet gecko
to fall asleep in the shadow of an aphorism
in case i have forgotten one iota
of the tallow lamp
being one of those who do

with my right of prior refusal

"The early books critique the lazy assumptions of the fantasy genre while the later books recast the earlier stories as myths or half-remembered dreams."

"Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow" --Bob Dylan



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