operation diligent valor (day 148)
(michael straw-hughes via melody doss on fb)
This sculpture at CIA headquarters holds one of the world's most famous unsolved mysteries.
"Pause and remain, I pray, and tell me who thou art, who comest thus to the accursed solitude wherein I die." --@KlarkashT
A sheaf gleaned in French fields.
the parables of scroogeCHESS
sterve the HUNCH
as yet undelivered by those promises of
the goatfoot ENVOY
what our most fervent-held delusions
lack is SCOPE
Graywyvern in the Witch House
Sacla no SHYER
"What do you intend to do when you make a fist and ice appears in your fist?"
"low winter sun
deep in the mist
hungry still"
(via hampton burwick on fb)
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