Monday, July 27, 2020

finding strength in the sadness of forests (day 139)


"What is troubling here for the linguist is the profound disagreement that exists between the linguistic theory of the arbitrary character of the relation between word and thing, and the spontaneous belief of the speaking subject in a complete adequation between language and reality."

"before this winter wind
when i seemed to have
your hand"


"I build anti-gravity machines out of words."

the vocative of ego
a cabana in Baghdad

flight of the ideogram
fished out from a pile of stuff

a vision of remnant snow
these books that i cannot read

all thoughts smoke into jasmine
all things ravel into air

"Something cast in aluminum from a one-half
scale model of a freight shed

"lunar eclipse
on my monitor
lunar eclipse
horse is coming"


Proxima now & then.

(pi-sliuces on tumblr)



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