Wednesday, July 22, 2020

veiled prophet (day 134)

(via @TerrifyingVids)

"At last I gamely put one on—
Though, really, what’s the need?—
And like the masked Lone Ranger
Braved the wards at Walter Reed

"The emotional synchrony of garments transmits discontinuously and by energetic means, thus the metaphysical appeal of fashion." --The Baudelaire Fractal

"...just like the Founders intended."

so afraid for so long
someone treads my grave
has undone so many
a flake of dried blood
in the time of reading

rending what you give
forest of glimmer moans
reach out so fragile
midnight Cabalatrab
dim thing the sigil

another night's comet
gossamer snags you

Luminous pommel.

"Contracts could have transformed into lookouts" --Robot X.

(ira gallen in retro rockets on fb)



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