the year of growing my hair (day 182)
When the poet disappears 1, 2, 3.
"I should have been inured to climatic changes; but again felt I had moved out of ordinary life into an area of total strangeness. All this was real, it was really happening, but with a quality of the unreal; it was reality happening in quite a different way." - Anna Kavan, Ice via @David_Farrier
the rain & the darkness
for all the plagued & lost
river of instagram
river of mostly don't-know
yellow & red can
the darkness & the rain
the gravely courteous assassin
"There were strange and disastrous portents in the...skies: flame-bearded meteors had been seen to fall...a comet far in the south had swept the stars with its luminous bosom for a few nights, and had then faded, leaving among men the prophecy of bale and pestilence to come." --@KlarkashT
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