Thursday, September 03, 2020

with Mao on the Long March (day 177)

(yorksnapshots on tumblr)

Strange Attractor.

"It was one of those sunless summer days that are infinitely more depressing than the bleakest winter; days when the whole atmosphere feels stale, and the world seems like a dustbin full of old battered tins of fish scales and decayed cabbage stalks..." --@AnnaKavan, "An Unpleasant Reminder"

Where to get 2814's albums Birth of a New Day & Rain Temple.

Deleted Tweet.

the close oppressive tide
of vacancy has won
thunderous beachhead gold
in each tipped heart

fumbles in the barzakh castle

we are clown & guest
but never perfect Carcosa

Flehmen Response.

"And hellish anguish did his soule assaile" --The Faerie Queene, I.9

Vivaldi sonnets.

(recaption via xf4int on tumblr)



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