with Mao on the Long March (day 177)
(yorksnapshots on tumblr)
"It was one of those sunless summer days that are infinitely more depressing than the bleakest winter; days when the whole atmosphere feels stale, and the world seems like a dustbin full of old battered tins of fish scales and decayed cabbage stalks..." --@AnnaKavan, "An Unpleasant Reminder"
Where to get 2814's albums Birth of a New Day & Rain Temple.
the close oppressive tide
of vacancy has won
thunderous beachhead gold
in each tipped heart
fumbles in the barzakh castle
we are clown & guest
but never perfect Carcosa
"And hellish anguish did his soule assaile" --The Faerie Queene, I.9
(recaption via xf4int on tumblr)
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