Thursday, September 10, 2020

bird antonyms irk (day 184)

(via xoverit on tumblr)

Улучшенный жизнь by AUT2M.

"[Saturn:] A circus tent planet, an impossibilty, a clown that grinned down on them as they scrabbled around the towers that the Others had left." --Ben Bova, As on a Darkling Plain (1972)

Hamlet's Mill.

between chase & chess
clown town when the twinkling stops
bradykinin storm

the drab machine under me
more skittish than a young horse

Decrypting Dystopia.

"Now are we come vnto my natiue soyle,
And to the place where all our perils dwell..."

--The Faerie Queene, I.11

Grinchus on Lulu.



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