Tuesday, June 07, 2016

a pica trail

"But for an inquiring mind there are interesting questions cropping up everywhere, even in the grave." --Fourth Mansions

If the Oceans were Ink.

     "Sonnets to Chango: VI."

Across the Rockies cradled in a valiant
superstition, life itself more luggage
the seiche of rising seas behemoths mouthe
while young people start afresh & their first plaintiff
still lies ahead. My muse, a fall that's constant,
eerily echoed · in the cry from the musjid
& laws govern the swirl of clouds. What brainwash
could deliver us? Far infinity roof, ghost scalprum
Coyote's cliffwalk holds out hope as punctual
& all we aim to be is fortunate soldier
a lottery ticket holder running gleeful
down the crumbling seafront. Chango, shorn of corsned
for these galvanic dreams, steampunk jodhpur,
one hundred thirty seventh part of structure.

"I saw that Sufism consists in experiences rather than in definitions, and that what I was lacking belonged to the domain, not of instruction, but of ecstasy and initiation." --al-Ghazali



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