i think never will i fly again
let that pure cerulean lift alone
those days of seven forty sevens are gone
i think never will i fly again
for so much waste of fuel, such measly glean
to go abroad were but a change in lane
i think never will i fly again
let that pure cerulean lift alone
Even before the robot eyes kept track
of our ev'ry move (to make us tempted better),
the forces of this earth were echoing clatter
small & large, each station of the trek.
No one can say they never changed the course
of thousand thousand mild trajectories
nor find, ahead, as many secret doors.
But how may a poet, in this thought, clasp peace?
I walk into the cold & dark garage
& speak to the rafters there, the concrete stained
from years; these things that now, haphazard-donned,
surround, are not the meanings of the age;
i drift on shadow-sails, through seas of bilge.
This is a word we use to plug
holes with. It's the right size for those warm
blanks in speech, for those red heart-
shaped vacancies on the page that look nothing
like real hearts. Add lace
and you can sell
it. We insert it also in the one empty
space on the printed form
that comes with no instructions. There are whole
magazines with not much in them
but the word love, you can
rub it all over your body and you
can cook with it too. How do we know
it isn't what goes on at the cool
debaucheries of slugs under damp
pieces of cardboard? As for the weed-
seedlings nosing their tough snouts up
among the lettuces, they shout it.
Love! Love! sing the soldiers, raising
their glittering knives in salute.
Then there's the two
of us. This word
is far too short for us, it has only
four letters, too sparse
to fill those deep bare
vacuums between the stars
that press on us with their deafness.
It's not love we don't wish
to fall into, but that fear.
this word is not enough but it will
have to do. It's a single
vowel in this metallic
silence, a mouth that says
O again and again in wonder
and pain, a breath, a finger
grip on a cliffside. You can
hold on or let go."
from here the light grows longer
Shroudmaker jests with Crashsound
ices in shadow linger
from here the light grows longer
strong courage acquires strange languor
& vict'ry turns to quicksand
from here the light grows longer
Shroudmaker jests with Crashsound
This useless trace i leave upon the earth
invisible to some, unseen the rest,
is all that keeps me sane, as from the first.
Of all the ways men fritter away their breath
i choose the airest, leanest, scatterest sleight.
They say it's sometimes steel an isopleth
& one evasive to the usual scythe;
i seek no such reward, nor hazard that bet.
What i can imagine might befall my words
belongs with dreams of how we ought to live.
Since listeners are more than we deserve
the sooner these, as their smug sire, be rid:
not for themselves, but for the gain, runs love.
Always you were martyrdoms' chaste rose!...
& just like virgin frost that earthward sifts
in vernal rigor, all-betraying death
should have jumped you picking lilies...
Wandering fireflies made for febrile candles
that lit you, & in the pallid herbs
you smiled, intact between the snowfall
& the roar of my funest deliriums.
Dumbly I dreamed, with lassitude inert,
to give you my single kiss: the one of death.
By tragical fruitions step by step,
I savored in your lips, deadly joy;
meanwhile, blatant to my prime caress
your inmost self was blushing in the West.
one story · & one story only
from here on out · rivulets
returning to the river · returning
to the Pleistocene · or so
who knows · but with all the dying
should be · interesting
this story · our only one
our last · Meteora
not far from Larissa · i missed
avenged by the delicate traceries
of things there used to be time for
count the coupons on the highway
mountain hovering then gone
shiny black silence
bells at the bottom of the lake
the rattle of the wheels grows dire
but i am fated to endure
all manner of dopes conspire
the rattle of the wheels grows dire
this dismal choir
inscribes but Crashsound's lure
the rattle of the wheels grows dire but i
am fated
to endure
toenail parings
a candle with words
hole in a steel door
patched with pink duct tape
out in the world
trail of solitary choices
follow the score
of sev'ral losing games
fallen leaves shining on one side
gapes hotly without parameter
passes election litter
the swart cube & the ghostly ape
still awed by a change of season
sunning on Egypt shoal afresh
a very expensive book
a goth yelps, that i read once,
then put away on a shelf forever
busk-yclept, shy poet lag
in that tangleglen the light has made
cars bound on some desp'rate mythchase burgeon
Jonestown nuestra · in this tangleglen
streets tremble with their gray cars bound
from crashsound to crashsilence, years
on nthat harvest hill the light has spurned
a goth yelps beside no Egypt shoal
topless towers on that harvest hill
a closed down mall where boomingly a goth yelps
from crashsound to crashsilence, years
bury more deeply the spark
that would have been a way
you didn't invent the spork
bury more deeply the spark
the sorrow that cannot speak
enough to know why
bury more deeply the spark
that would have been a way
what quells the bees quells me
in my storebought granola
never mind the enemy
what quells the bees quells me
blindfold cinema
grim battlefields to hallow
what quells the bees quells me
in my storebought granola
a frenzy of echolalia
saccharine Tourette's
wookie Pez protocol
decapitated in the party fountain
briarcove where the dead men lost their Tom Thumb cards
"Goethe is no longer our ancestor, as he was Emerson's and Carlyle's. His wisdom abides, but it seems to come from some solar system other than our own." --Harold Bloom
Loglan, Algol. Triple primary:
blue, red, golden sunsets.
Ascertain a hair tie
in the rose-covered zippybag.
Lights out in Calgary.
It was a rough stretch of road
so we drove gingerly.
Puffs of dust not bullets,
sounds that later for the movie version
would be crafted by sound engineers.
I write this inbetween stints
at squaring circles.
Loglan, Algol, Kalashnikov.
My Triumph lasted till the Drums
Had left the Dead alone
And then I dropped my Victory
And chastened stole along
To where the finished Faces
Conclusion turned on me
And then I hated Glory
And wished myself were They.
What is to be is best descried
When it has also been—
Could Prospect taste of Retrospect
The tyrannies of Men
Were Tenderer—diviner
The Transitive toward.
A Bayonet’s contrition
Is nothing to the Dead."
"Hitler could be defeated only by armed might: i.e., on his own terms. Whole libraries written to his detriment didn't add up to the effect of a single Russian artillery shell. This ugly fact should be kept in view when we catch ourselves nursing the comforting illusion that there is a natural order to which politics would revert if all contests of belief could be eliminated. There is such a natural order, but it is not benevolent." --Cultural Amnesia
late November sun hindered,
red spraypainted cryptic word,
woke Ewok. Funest journey:
to Destruction bend the knee.
the wide enervating din
breaks black, subfusc & golden
i get stuck behind a bus
our moon of madness, gibbous;
tourists at the weird wharf
emerge from disenchanted weir, dwarf.
trains of tourniquet return
grill us on the new pattern
raven pharmacy skewing
sign with ebon folded wing
back in ancient times acrid
earning me survivor cred
folie adieu, virulent
switchback & acoustic Lent
skewwhiff violet rites
& ev'ry fool who would vie Lit--writes
oodoolay of heart auxins
frolics in the lesser sins
as if under no troll's thumb
& tholes an algorithm
as pied as pure. Hidden sill
across which one epistle
may still be hurled--sky haywire
& perks in the rat race choir
grueling one percent-ore
but hero-bespoke this sark from centaur
Legacy pits our dord out spicy gale
cold light
at the end of warm day
a kid spinning with a branch
faint incessant barking
amateur baseball
it is 2018 & the saucers have not come
nail protruding from pegboard
harder than stone they built
they built pyramids harder than stone
in the mind's eye
harder than stone they built
in a burning landscape
is there only desire
in the headlights
tattoo'd pastor
caught in the small rain
never look at the empty stars
or the stars behind them
precipice inly · scratchmarks
on a cell wall
wasp slime
the bottom of the catcher holds