Thursday, January 31, 2019

16. a lifetime of debt

Turquoise grove.

wobble of the jarred routine;
seems like utmost not to tip
what is this but troubled sleep
a burning bed to rumble in

as on the lucent cavern wall
flickers a thousand fancies' hent
whose urgings like bad conscience haunt
though moiling cark in parallel

& i, as if an agent, work
into my whispers, crash & snarl
of that great world whose makings hurl
beyond & above, in plumbless dark

oh let me in my own mind dwell
& to my own despair belong
if nothing better zephyrs bring
or t'ward this place, but vermin crawl


Wednesday, January 30, 2019

15. when bubbles impinge

Hollow Earth from Ghost Box.

yesterday's yoin
zephyr out of Uz
you know the drill
      verdigris ardor
vengeance of doors sphingid
as the moon's ebb mobled
most when fnordly ghosted
condemns Phobos Deimos
dons the lie-veil's ivy
in kestrel-dive caverned
ninety-nine tears
obeliscal grudge
permanent soap bubble
quisling from bully pulpit
oligarchic cull
numinous nil
river stop for me

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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

14. how to survive the loss of a chess match


    storying pillbug
has no axe to grind · but this
    a skyey smashup
overly long in coming
    will not rescue us
be it Mueller or Caped One
    Jade Rabbit capers
& the permanent ice · creaks
    a mackerel sky
now as on that island grove
    moondust dissipates
at once · thoughts i'd fain write down
    crouched in a culvert
with the dragon's breath outside
    darkweb denizen
reaches out · a clearing in
    poolside brush sports chairs
when i go for a bucket
    of water to flush
dissident dancers tumble
    i download for free
some Croatian black metal
    one dancer signals
to the clown i brought with me
under a mackerel sky

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Monday, January 28, 2019

13. neurochauvinism

Turkish music portal.

Ice endgame
Ketjak chiselcore
Lomas Metaluna
Kestrel occiput
Iynx isthmus
mazard's career, golfed tsantsa spinning
Ural i've got tonight
Ural i've got tonight
pool of olive filled

from an autumn's storms


Sunday, January 27, 2019

12. pleasure in ruins

Rattle: poets respond.

a lesson to learn time
not by sepia parted

were you always
waiting in this dust

day neither storm nor not

the glare on seven roads

& obscurer


Saturday, January 26, 2019

11. puny justice

(my grandfather's smithy. thanks, wayne ludvickson!)

"By the pampered word, by the pat printed rune" --Gene Derwood

Instabooks, meet instawoofus.

of representations

figures the Void

the orders come down
& they're stupid, like all orders
could we not give one thought to our world?
"Enola Gay"
with the Xmas music
only that
sounds right
by now:
not to kill & eat but only,
negligently, to kill


Friday, January 25, 2019

10. theory of magic

"Interestingly, Ross did not speak Arabic and relied on secondarily translating from the French, a language in which he was not well-schooled."

Simon de Montfort
a stone ended
thrown by a girl

good aim

people with handmade signs
outnumber even the lanes closed
inside it's Frescobaldi
candy apple green car turning

how many years ago now
i idly opened an old book
to see what it was about

odder & odder
elliptical prose
this Berg who was also Greb

took it & read it through
don't remember now if i
kept it

three hundred fifty these days
with the revival
& she drowned herself

after the fourth book's flop

elective surgical removal of a limb

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Thursday, January 24, 2019

9. sticky tsunami

"Though I sang in my chains like the sea" --Dylan Thomas

"...not only is very little of the music actually original, but much of it isn’t even really music."

the different kinds of ash
first thing on my new car
to break & i don't get it fixed
ignoring all those redemption points
as probes nered their distant targets
Dollars dialing
Eelgrass of Enoch
Fallujah afflicted
Gallumphing Galileo
Highball for old Ahasuerus
Igloo polysemy Illbient
Juggalo conventicle adjacent
Kyrie Eleison allots kobold
Lovecraft crystalline liripoop for crass decline
Mondo carny asparagus sparagmos Mothra
Nimbus scintilla annex Shakespeare nightcrawler
Oleaginous flurry this afternoon
Prospero's smart phone only the eyes perne
Quahog chowder gospel pellucid
Ragnarok occidential
Stillicide not optional
To mock a leaky bird
Uqbar in Uyghur
Venene event
Woofus wool

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

8. tattooed freckles

"The assertion of ethnicity, race, caste, nationalism, sub-nationalism, patriarchy, and all kinds of identity, by exploiters as well as the exploited, has a lot—but of course not everything—to do with laying collective claim to resources (water, land, jobs, money) that are fast disappearing."

when colors melt like lemon drops
across the Sxwaixwe chimney tops

to say even that much
a cage made of lights

& they did investigate
found nothing

over & over
they found nothing

a twinge in the hand could have told them
computer in a hand-knit bag

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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

7. world's loneliest frog

pretend the delicacy
of choice
you paid for this
how many stops to stop
at the stop sign stop
descending wave
with feedback
gloves on

i don't think this is a way

"Silent films, Japanese prints, anonymous dead people in funerary photographs, and the scratchy drawings of Edward Lear were less influences than instances of what Gorey discovered for himself, a principle that pervades almost all his work."

Monday, January 21, 2019

6: where the law ends

few cars out
scrupulously creep

will Ted Cruz
ruin beards

The New Pythagoreans.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

5. melange of sounds

Saturday, January 19, 2019

4: my utmost for psoriasis

"And perhaps there is no need to say much for the tiny triolet, effective as it may be for occasional epigram..." --Matthews, op cit

Church of anarchy.

monarchs fewer & fewer
hunch lost in the mountains
paint it indigo

origin & fort
the invisible trough
the visible garden

woven of dreams & desire
the guillotine's thud

tragic bugdeath
a plan named Zero
paint it celadon

with the blood roof
fired with the need

to be sure

Friday, January 18, 2019

3: benja debroq

"Yonder where curious people count her breaths,
Calculate how long yet the little life
Unspilt may serve their turn nor spoil the show..."

--The Ring and the Book

"A move to replace the Woofus was started in 1997 by Friends of Fair Park executive director Craig Holcomb. Over a period of five years, more than $60,000 was raised from private donors, much of at dinner parties where the guests were called upon to sing 'The Woofus Song,' the chorus of which includes the words, 'Oink, quack, neigh!' "

warm clothing in the cold
the 10 conditions for genocide

reflected in the shoppingcenter glass
leafless trees waving in a wind

stung at the Barrier-Gate of Meeting


Thursday, January 17, 2019

2: generation of snipers

"Wyatt's rondeaus were printed as though they were defective sonnets." --Brander Matthews, Pen and Ink (1888)

History in film.

collecting vectors
to travel mentally down

shadowless gray day
almost like Pluto

slowing down on purpose
all the places sky can be seen

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

1: invention of a new knot

"Upon returning with a nausea-inducing $140 in fabric, and rusty sewing skills, I proceeded to jump in with both feet to a project that was far above my ability level.."

dark wood i enter
winding road willingly
dogma but not to believe

twisted overhead branches
canopy where stars were
turn at Lookout

one or the other i don't care
canyon carved by thought
dark wood i enter

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

dukes of dyslexia

"What I learned in the desert is that there is no wilderness, there are only people without the knowledge and skills to live in certain places."

wafoo Woofus
leftover Earl Greyness
orange & blue clock tower

i leave out everything

nip, mulct clump; in.

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Monday, January 14, 2019


American pictures.

no-vestige journey
wheatfield at dawn

broken candy cane
my arms' high noon

fliockering Graywy-
vern dapple-drawn

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Sunday, January 13, 2019

lettuce scare

Ann Quin article.

frightened in our posh hovels
odyssey of the shadow detached
counting seconds
like pennies in a car console
empty package
delivered from Amazon

& this was when the Machine was really working

my great, leathery wings
& the haiku which contains them

Saturday, January 12, 2019

the leading invisible solid

"All done was to deserve the simple pay,
Obtain the bread clowns earn by sweat of brow..."

--The Ring and the Book

A fatberg of selfies, geociticized.

orangepink pallid reflections
awhile among the strung disks
i didn't seek those changes
they just came over me
riddlesphinx & intimate concert
made me what i am today
Potemkin village idiot
at the back of the throat


Friday, January 11, 2019

fool's paradigm

"It turns out there is a surfeit of nostalgia for the clunky Geocities web."

no outcry rose up
at the burning of the catechumen; trees
quivered in the same wind

frozen nitrogen plain

i think we all know the Clash
weren't really Sandanistas

Thursday, January 10, 2019

talisker norcross

Kim + cat.

chapel of detriments
only once visibly

on the wall antlers
to negotiate

this Earl Grey
is it in my time
or in another's

as if travelling
all the time staying home

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

nope against nope


Mieville on the future of the novel. (vi feuilleton)

Earl Grey or Baron Taupe
Mayan apocalypse which happened
cliffwalk over whitewater chasm
Schrödinger's cantrip,

in enough time
erosion makes equal
detriment & gain
gain & detriment

these strenuous choices
which must still be made
are groundwork, to be forgotten
in enough time

ashen homecoming

unwariness of edges
feral geas

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

reincarnation as a fool

(still from gif by stuartmonkeysmith-blog on tumblr)

at the end of the universe
we reach

left from when
ev'rything was new
tell us that story

not real pockets

If you come to a wall.

"Lincoln's name upon the scroll--still floats upon the morning wind, on stones upon the moor." --Articulations

Monday, January 07, 2019

inhale edgier


photon torpedo launched
packed full of loss
puddleshine from 1975

good fortune into cardboard shapes
struggles to be kind
against all impediment

go, thing

Sunday, January 06, 2019

luau melt hit

(via asteroidmission dot org)

Free-range kids.

sky bringing sickness
story i've told before

plastic straws the new war cry
ghost of a little dog

Ultima Thule

tor to oriole
at a morgue

Saturday, January 05, 2019


The artist of the cover of Aqualung.

"Come walk with me along the shore:
I want a word with you, my death.
Before your shadow dims my door,
come walk with me along the shore.
No dance, no chess, no keeping score,
no winter stroke, no stolen breath.
Come walk with me along the shore—
I want a word with you, my death."


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Friday, January 04, 2019


Ozark Gothic.

   i balance these things
only for now, the light gleams
   on their surfaces

a war more pointless than most
brought back to entertain us

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Thursday, January 03, 2019


(asteroid bennu via)

Krautrock hoax thread.

by the dark of the moon
i hunted
Planet X or something like

they said i was wasting my time

tower against the sky
at dawn
Planet X

Planet X

Wednesday, January 02, 2019


(via realsurrealfeel on tumblr)

"When pop can no longer muster a nihilation of the World, a nihilation of the Possible, then it will only be the ghosts that are worthy of our time." (via feuilleton)

despair & Enigma
in the same dreamcatcher caught
atmosphere of Titan
golden feathers
game with no known outcome

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Tuesday, January 01, 2019


Under a mimosa-tree.

Bonesaw i call you;
& Child-Dead-in-Custody:
halcyon December

& carry to the dumpster
what won't fit in our own cans

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