Thursday, May 31, 2018

12. islay brothers

the pillbug writes its saga
in lofty verse · garnishes
pillbugly laurels &

the ratchet clicks · lapdog grunt
limbec growl collects · at dawn
i swallow toad gauzily

the utmost reach of will
then stranded on astroturf
i reck my beachhead of sorts

there's shipwreck & illness stretch
as far as eyes follow, till
this blur-seam becomes life's goal

the ratchet clicks happily
funest lungfish settles for
a siltdown talk with ozone

We wear the mask.

"Even the possible has its insoluble particle." --Emly Dickinson


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

11. orc levee: velcro

frozen plain · near zero · frog
galoshes · Xbox frigid
memes · skull scoop pistol whiplash

these fragments i have lined up
fortress of dark nethermost
clowns built · meanwhile filterless

cigs loll · change lanes vesselyaw
constantly · annul this way
with rank parallax pivot

duress with a plebiscite
that spills out white infamy
a small thing but not my Norn

rendering all talk static
impacts here more than elsewhere
old vessels burst bearing wine

Haida Gwaii.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

10. meander rood name

who rang with lead Saturn rings
who said he would better try
who lit top candid for naught

found rotted sjambok treasures
& lucked out a nexus or two
the flaccid gaze mastered of

annexation deadlock vogue
elixir quaff in halved vugg
ghostship pustule ostiole

shards run off & coven crowned
Jalgclatter the savage heart
Sylvesterpope network torn

the Fifth Extinction slimed
road ruts potholes busted glass
the best minds wraiths dedicate

Was Emily Dickinson autistic?


19. tienta

commit Kafka · kintsugi
iron pong · relict hotness strayed
August into early May

Sargasso insanity
of seconds & effigies
& glosses · but Oz is void:

all the flying monkeys, here

"When does one ever know a human being? Perhaps only after one has realized the impossibility of knowledge and renounced the desire for it and finally ceased to feel even the need of it. But then what one achieves is no longer knowledge, it is simply a kind of co-existence; and this too is one of the guises of love." --Iris Murdoch, Under the Net (1954)

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Monday, May 28, 2018

9. O Naso mimosa, no!

forever in red tooth claw
whose whisper chord if not all
still rocks the flintlop pilcrow

wingnut Hop-Toad upside our
head · with love leaded · grim
chimpanzee Atlantis-lost

in sessions of debt thinking
realize how similar
how far from unwrong my own

truth journey has sufficed · blue
but background hue · thwackings more
spark resonant serif gift

but wins void-votive · i show
course dross & words hobble tell
a sculpted smidge runny ore

Johnny Got His Gun stage adaptation.


Sunday, May 27, 2018

8. rennet adim amid a tenner

unless served already shorn
of witness-twanged zither threads
Memnon-righteous · collagen

zebub the wind tunnel tunes
a lasting sway · can't restore
unfettered egress swiftly

unknit the secret of design
drone lobbed out of occiput
no Sputnik trace of carport

Uzlaugh · thick like blackstrap pour
to bless with roach welter long
crimethink & grow bitter grow

robotproof & mock of kings
torture rides on funny wheels
spring's anthem the pattern melds

Magpie Bridge.


Saturday, May 26, 2018

7. for the red orc

that fell · turquoise chess-pieces
wry silken corridors cross
recross in the hollow night

spooks shunted on sunken rails
we sang full dark as if stoned
song perishing · dread lungfish

whose whistle slides into smoke
alongside such fossicking
as must end in plummet-dwine

or absolute vantage where
one's guess is pathetic loss
relict keldspar · wish list shades

curveball against foggiest choice
no fun in annulled projects
whose fracking blowback shudders

Australian iron outlaw.


Friday, May 25, 2018

6. amateur go

a deafening leopard-skin
Wharfinger special but lock
cut losses bled already

out of swift pentacle-goaf
we drag darg's combat Facebook
Ardbeguine dogsled crumbled

a will worthless Ixion's
snapshotsky gray-olive lift
a drumming dream upholds · throng

yclad in lies · halogen
bulb-reft · intersectional
the gift · the blind limberger

sidewalk march of coffinward
& numb regret · wondering
through glass truths through atmospheres

Blood Thor.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

5. a game rout

Surfer girl.

warm & auto-crammed · i sit
& let java mesh into
each thought quebrith-lofting sense

& shut out ferrous oxides
that wrack my brain fangled bright
no esters divested roll

a silhouette still watchful
week off from the online chore
of fronting strangers' missives

who lack only solitude
& threadsuns this hedgelord bore
prolix, cat-plaintive, tonguetied

but doggedly yawping out
resultant code · good luck finding
a pastor Ixtab-friendly


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

4. at a morgue

our fantasy land we'd flee
these wretched jobs selling crap
destined for landfill early

& thoughtless waste haunted
become a swell somewhere else
Italian town clad in green

yearn yet to know well our own
drab midden as if looked back
at far from now solace served

cold · other eyes delight at
our lamps our glib tap water
this desk orange felt & all

piled with vetust symbol-pods
nor dawn's glimmer gnawing yet
at the eye ventured out there

Yemen coffee.

"We all just want to be people, and none of us know what that means." --Jeff Vandermeer, Borne (2017)


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

3. carryout insurance

the language of glad dumpster
i left during president's
mantic spew as twinkles cry

inkblot meaningwallow fed
befuddlement murdered by
fanatical apps · fylfot

processional · wet concrete
a film of oil will rainbow
rotten sidewalks stumble

night of various arctic
Fortran-5-allax zithers
a bell jarding leatherangst

rhombilba Dardil ullage
as if between the sing & dong
our world to a blurred dream ebbed

More than poker dogs (thread).


Monday, May 21, 2018

2. aldermastodon

(cassius marcellus coolidge via)

"The wind-stained willows of Acheron." --Sandra Hochman

now at the point madness sings
now where the pale western sky
persists from sheer inertia

a promise of bottleneck
isthmus lighthouse punctuates
throng raddled a fastness turned

caress. A foretelling of war,
ruination; think: we make
& all this because we'd hold

to what we had uttered wrong
the land under strangling ices
& thestered with smelly fumes

existence chased without looth
a somber waking called hemlick
writes nothing where something spoke

By the time I get to Phoenix.


Saturday, May 19, 2018

1. i fought the lawn, and the lawn won

we had nothing natural
save weather & bedlamites
amidst such arid dreamscapes

i thought i could fall upwards
enough to have uttered sense
gray bangles on wax zither

the rest just confession of
no critique worth shishkabob
& faltering modernist

s chump change blasts mulletship
yardang caravan creeping
rust weaponry death dolling

Mephisto wurst sick passage
car manejando vision
for us improval begins


"Everybody seemed to have seen Angels but me." --Robert Trammell

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Friday, May 18, 2018

ethical surplus

or a qassap juried word i'm heart broken to tell
part hoping for whistness & half unable
to not be blood moon crescent
driving back imaging
in a hidden song pyramid glisten
i pass

Frederick Douglass as an existentialist.

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Thursday, May 17, 2018

turtles all the way downtown

    "The Blackness of the Grackle

The grackle is black as sin, he is like a religion,
he is Satany-satin, slick as the sail of a submarine,
he’s a heat-sink, the anodized fin on the cylinder-head.
The grackle collects the light, he collects information,
while about him the cosmos, slovenly, radiates energy.

The grackle recalls the black of earlier absences:
of the night, of the time when no eye recorded the lightfall,
of all other electromagnetic tones on the spectrum;
but he reaches back to bend those more primitive darknesses
to a greater sophistication: to state by not stating;

like the brilliant burn of the black of tropical fishes,
like the sable faces of certain macaques on display,
like the caves of the Ritual Primate, the funeral’s raiment,
like subfusc, like Cary Grant’s elegant easy tuxedos,
like the gold-crested lacquer scabbards of samurai swords.

The grackle’s a black hole, the earpiercing wince of the anvil,
the pure click of an incompressible fluid imploding
and hitting itself as it meets in a clap at its center,
the creak and the splitting of timber, the crack of a timbre,
the berserker’s shriek, the rip of heavy silk tearing,

in his strut, his effeminate deadly swagger, his waddle,
his enraged samurai waddle, his overdetermined,
his strenuous Hachiman entrance, the birdgod of warfare,
his lumbering takeoff, a jet fighter-bomber clearing
the runway under the maximum payload of armament;

and in all that blackness–matte-flocked as it would seem to be–
there seems only one thing that is radiant: his gold-milled eye,
like madness, hysteria, overcontrol, hyperthermia,
it’s a concave disc to dissipate waste radiation,
the amberbright stare of a warning light showing at midnight;

till all of a sudden the whole point of the metaphor,
what his natural similes meant, is revealed in a flash,
as he spreads his wings and sinkingly measures his glide,
and his back blazes and flows in a wave of iridescence,
as a current discharges, leaving a blob in the eye:

his elegant dress, that requires no pigment to swagger,
but lets its grain fluoresce with waves of diffraction,
like a crowd drilled with cards to form the face of a leader,
like a blind, a burst of X-rays, a gold-trimmed bookedge,
reveals on the earth a sudden parcel of sky."

   --Frederick Turner


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

the dark end of the river

carious guncliff
perilous wager
at the cemetery gates

nine squared and not a bit more



Tuesday, May 15, 2018


From Our Arrival.

all the traps of earth
lightning's silver edge tilting
& not think of melt

halcyon cerulean drive
so many times to anguish

Saving the world you dated.


Monday, May 14, 2018

portalettuce hash

(image by michael puttonen on fb)

The Web.

abacus, in sunlight
surrounded by green hills
turquoise alleyways

the yearning to go back
never quite subsides, even when back


Sunday, May 13, 2018

ficult, estroy, ogyn, agmente


shark · theory
we bow
to the latest pronouncement

as if traffic
as if not lives
Zeta Lupi to catalogue

O bridge
where Calatrava goofed
its tattoo'd hordes

barred for their own good



Saturday, May 12, 2018

mondegreenwich mean time

(image by denise de la cerda on fb)

gnarlier pachinko
this geis made of limehouse
veils hanging in black skies

this lobster boy fallout
a festering prayer rig
or winter's dead witness

it rhymes with headlights
in daytime with rabies
by the glass & what's more

our perishing whets it


Friday, May 11, 2018

of winter prayers

drive into smoke
haze above the green hills
neither of the two names right

row of dimming shadows
drive into smoke
drive into what is known wrong

gnome who from Muskogee hails
pale murmuration
drive into smoke

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Thursday, May 10, 2018

a bandaid for anomie


    wander through turquoise
alleyways all day
· dovesong
    strangely echoing

the more you try to tell it
the hollower it becomes

    Zeitgeist lost · shadows
hard as marble, under cars
    on the parking lot

what a concert was · just this
lifetime evaporated

    back of the throat taste
Columbian · mockingbiords
    & a perfect breeze

so cry me a river i
cried a river over you

"More than 30 years ago, a jet-setting Iranian playboy, transhumanist author and corporate consultant...predicted an axial shift to ‘up-wing’ and ‘down-wing’ political priorities. The directional associations in this new scheme were quite literal: ‘up‑wing’ meant looking toward the heavens, and ‘down-wing’ was looking toward the Earth." (via @xenogothic)

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Wednesday, May 09, 2018

at the mountins of muskrat love

"The people most deeply traumatized of all in our society may be the older men who’ve devoted their entire lives, in grinding hard work and out of love for the people around them, to building companies and communities and systems they thought represented a pinnacle of human endeavor and free enterprise, but which instead — they would now find, if they could bring themselves to admit the possibility — have become components of what is quite possibly the most destructive way of life ever made by human beings."

Czeslaw Milosz: "NOT THIS WAY

Forgive me. I was a schemer like many of those who steal by human habitations at night.

I reckoned the positions of guards before I dared approach closed borders.

Knowing more, I pretended that less would suffice, unlike those who give testimony.

Indifferent to gunfire, hue and cry in the brushwood, and mockery.

Let sages and saints, I thought, bring a gift to the whole Earth, not merely to language.

I protect my good name for language is my measure.

A bucolic, childish language that transforms the sublime into the cordial.

And the hymn or psalm of a choirmaster falls apart, only a canticle remains.

My voice always lacked fullness, I would like to render a different thanksgiving.

And generously, without irony which is the glory of slaves.

Beyond the seven borders, under the morning star.

In the language of fire, water, and all the elements.” (1972)

--The Collected Poems (tr 1988)


Tuesday, May 08, 2018

how the grinch stole apocatastasis

to invent
a sep'rate field
that speaks never a word bleak rapture
of ravens in action over wilderness
unfolding cartwheel whisper stupor herd riddlesphinx
to betray one's thought into existence to find
where it is lost & give it to the wind

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Monday, May 07, 2018

dead sea submarine

dovesong for oval
leverage as soft ink ago
of boomerang grace

bushel in hand, I peer
on & underneath the pier

The other day, i fished a $200 paperback out of our trash.


Sunday, May 06, 2018

cannons of the yellow emperor

   (On chancing to be clearancing a collection with Fred Turner's Iraq war poem that I replied to, in it)

Enough of refutation for us all
of time has passed, & i but sympathize
now: for in the end the poet's cause
is not with any side, but with the aisle.

Twenty years well might have been enough
on an assembly line, to piece together
dreams for me or you or any other
possessed of a normal appetite for life.

Yet here we are, with nothing being built:
& quite a lot in the meantime's been destroyed.
Poets don't make things happen; ink gets spilled
& blame assigned, at which we're way adroit.

But twenty years more, we certainly have not got.

Moving on.


Saturday, May 05, 2018

kabuki warfare

(image from iceland, via liaizon wakest on fb)

"The tragedy is not only that people have lost their lives. The tragedy is the people who, in the very rich nations, have lost their humanity."

if a storm has come to stay
this blockchain of a rock-hard sibilance meaning alone is
up to cracking it
you go there bearing myrrh & fright-frankincense
a divine
unease streaming
from alley & hallways of the
sudden breakage, the appalling witness

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Friday, May 04, 2018

the pumpkin rollers

Amy Winehouse Pop Rocks.

in the thrang melee
a whopping dank shepherd arose
three parts of the oobleck. A song at war with
harmony. Never grow old in witchcraft, say the
bells of Saint
Amherst, a little hard to see
during the levorotary Ogpu if a
forest fell, would
any part
of Surd-loft work unusu'lly hard at hent-thwart?

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Thursday, May 03, 2018

smushed strawberry on the floor at walmart

Wednesday, May 02, 2018

a poem about snow

Mali's magical music.

"Kevin Carter was my age. Thirty-three years old. He took this photo in Sudan, a child on the ground with a vulture behind him. During the famine. He took the photo and went away, because they had told him not to touch the children, not to touch anyone, that he might catch something. So he took the photo and left. No one heard anything more about the child.

They tried to trace him, but no one could.

Kevin Carter won the Pulitzer with that photo.

Three months later he committed suicide." --Francesca Borri, Syrian Dust (2016)


Tuesday, May 01, 2018


The Public Burning.

our life which is a sleep
between two greater sleeps
offers but brief escape
our life which is a sleep
& play for those who cope
most real in the sudden snirps
our life which is a sleep
between two greater sleeps

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