"le fagycau nalkalri ckunyboi vau"
.iapei le ko fagri pagre
ku lutpagbu ba nabo clatei ranji
.i mi selyloldi loi falte'a
gi'e se drudi loi tarci xagji
.i le sevzgi po lei bartu karce
cu bevri mi da po'u zujeca'anai
.i mi pensi lo xamsi poi danmo borgunro
joi ke blacyporpi
.i do doi cavroi. ca facki lepa ckiku be
de poi noroi .ui pu vorme .ei
("The fire-lack not-opening pinecone":
'Do you believe the "you-must-pass-through-fire"
route-part will not continue long?
I am be-floored by fall-fears
& be-roofed by star-hungers.
The dream-smile of the cars outside
carries me far away & not-actual;
i think about an ocean of rolling smoke
& breaking glass...
You, O Rainstone, are discovering the one key to
what should never (happily) hav been a DOOR.')