Saturday, February 29, 2020

celebrity rescue

Wrapped in plastic. (via feuilleton)

gray, glare, cold commute
as mem'ries invade the songs
put to repel them

faintly geese nudge each other
with cries like chiptune fragments


(xlunarise on tumblr)


Friday, February 28, 2020

the monster depredations we endure


"We possess a complete literature composed in Spanish, but written in Arabic characters. they call it by the name of Aljaniada." --René Basset, Moorish Literature (1901)

Love and Math.

an ellipse or hyperbola
not to be answered by me
melancholy tryst
with ghosts the adage

in a winter sun's glare
collect the wrasse-snatch wage


(mrstsk on tumblr)


Thursday, February 27, 2020

my llorona

(Moon Zero Two via)

Hendrix of the Sahara. (thread)

ceasing frith · Plano winter
isopleth of kiln reptile

service road disemboguing
decay satellite Sanskrit

Hardvapour comp. (bandcamp)


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

old haunts

Kodalith style.

to live in ITALY
in a brocade TEPEE
this armed APNEA

gibbering imp that LEERS
of this beer the YEAST
i address its ELDER

myself but LARVA
the noose's listless DROOP
land these grays EVOKE

whom the Archbishop RAPES
in here a wolf LOPES
my enemies OPINE

dropping PIETÀ
abandon who ENTER
house purchased from SEARS

Lanark's frontispieces.



Tuesday, February 25, 2020

the musical uncanny

Psychedelic celluloid.

my days that slip away
with hardly half a taste
in the moonlight yaw--
not one of the dreams but gets it

my nights that cease too soon
& leave me scarce a thread--
weave splendid the noose
of my march to total dearth

O while away the whelming
be chary to name it
tomorrow in enamel
or, certes, bitumen

Museum of Street Culture.


Monday, February 24, 2020

widsith & i

(via chuck taylor on fb)

"To me there is nothing better than a damp, grey day, and a damp, grey mist, and greyness all about me, and freedom to become a part of it." --@IComptonBurnett

"These, too, must be accepted as real if we wish to explain our world, and they are ingredients of a coherent scientific worldview, even if fundamental physics does not speak about them."

immutable abyss
other lapses mimics

fear death by pangolin
ghob tabir · Nineveh

tutelary baobab
pitch-black ear of the ear

"As soon as the first, largely apolitical wave of punk had passed and their slogans had been taken seriously by the anarcho-punks of the early 80s, who put them into some sort of action, the links between this new branch of people’s music with older folk traditions of the British Isles soon began to make themselves clear."


Sunday, February 23, 2020

the unitary executive

The joke about Portis...

there is no more time
bare trees on gray sky

drizzle hazards teem
there is no more time

these mad desires to tame
in the place of the skull

there is no more time
bare trees on gray sky

"In Cattle Decapitation's Post-Anthropocene Map, white polar ice has been replaced by an expanse of open ocean the color of stagnant rust."



Saturday, February 22, 2020

three views of the new pavilion

After the ice show.

derne PACTS
torture AURAL
to the scene of the CRIME
& the clouds that are not yet TAMED
draw SLEDS

In the hall of the mountain king.


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Friday, February 21, 2020

conniption fit

This is my surprised face.

the moment of KARST
far away crisis ACUTE
speed of the RUPEE

surgical mask painted STERN
this plot twist written for TEENS


(via via feuilleton)


Thursday, February 20, 2020

a world lit only by firewater

(via via thea temple on fb)

Retracing an eerie pilgrimage.

panoply of YELPS
the grayblue whispers EXERT

sleep curled, LEMUR

say the Devil is a PRUDE,
all these wrong temptations STREW

Litanies live. (via feuilleton)

(via hampton burwick on fb)


Wednesday, February 19, 2020

rabbit doubt

How Billie Eilish became an ASMR icon.

wild terducken darb
red tower · downcast bard
shore where ashes went

conversion of a newt
dented silver vase
all one hero could save

in sunshiny noir
bard fadges glyphs of iron

"Space Oddity" in Esperanto.

(at the cavanaugh flight museum in addison)


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

flag for burning

Autistic exhaustion thread.

rainbow bridge advancement through a serenade
   nothing in the song beyond its words
sky of celdon
without attendant birds
green pen gone & penguinhome far strayed

spring in February gifts with traceless sun
   respite for time from what i know
prime rib can be nice
as can source indigo
rainbow fjord where clathrate fathoms run...

Moon Zero Two.


Monday, February 17, 2020

inauguration of the desert biome

Having different canons is worse than having different politics or different religions. It automatically renders all your other judgments suspect.

"This conservativeness permeates every system of algorithmic inference..." (via supergee on livejournal)

cursed ARENA
where it's death to RELAX
chase mulcts from those who reck the SNARE

parable adept
outline on sidewalk taped
to wring last sinew

from dandelion wines
skeletal dowry
eulogy too wordy

Dracula risen
hell-ticks in acid rinse
it must be my weird

parable grown wider

storage unit under rain
to lodge in foster strangeness

at once where public has fled
the shadowland of left falls

wedeln ill-met body cark
rain in storage yard churns past

ubac ibrik carve
acorn with absolute frisk
Nichtigkeit skewer

Generative comic strip. (via Mefi)

(via nightflava on tumblr)

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Sunday, February 16, 2020

terracotta army

It is hard to believe in cause & effect, when the big message of powerlessness never lets up, & the constant small thwartings are arguing otherwise.

A Woman of No Importance.

hell-hound on my heels, ills
hither ring the zither
stone gate like a gunshot
time's gift on wind-spindle

over this bridge, abject
idiot crumb-summer

Witchcraft destroys minds.

(via dualvoidanima on tumblr)


Saturday, February 15, 2020

the part that is wings

The purpose of a bureaucracy is to maintain the illusion that things are being done & they can only be done this way, while actually preventing anything from ever happening.


flutter in decaf
land of the double faced
eagle · sugar caned

calaveras · ghost dance
thawing the old north
writing thirst with a thorn

Toffee planets.

(via pinkcollapse on tumblr)


Friday, February 14, 2020

service event


Not-space, reside
perilous desire
out of nothing's mother-lode
for a silver spider dole

elenchic · interplanetary
subfusc sky reward

but they put it in the dresser
in a stuck, stuck drawer

"But it was very conscious of me now, after Trump won, to say, 'We are deeper in Chinatown than even Jake Gittes was.' "

(via @abandonedameric)


Thursday, February 13, 2020

ruin rumi

Rokeby reviewed.

marches in argyle
stumbles with a rye lag
evaporates hent
& you know the score then

veshch nary i saved
from the absquat Vedas
whose closing seemed rathe
nor had we other Earth

ever severer
cairn of perfect reverse
falling the storm crane
welkin this day nacre

Leigh Mercer in The Believer.


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

en pointe doublethink

"We are both drawn to our half-drowned burgs..." --Caitlin Kiernan, Black Helicopters (2015/2018)

Paganism gets the fake book treatment. (via supergee on livejournal)

lans that would save us
stillborn on the drawing table
mist that wiped returns

evaporated purpose
on the hell shift nattering

Everything stays the same.

(via @svitone_ )


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

the mittens are off

"The script is Armenian, but the language is Ottoman Turkish..."

firefly in my dream
abstract frost
over what i may or may not cede

grin demanded by the age
cloud boundaries, samovar thesterness church
in the see-through urn

to my Ba
i offered up a prayer of dimness
revenge of the pangolins · em'rald neons

on the broken walls parks bad
with a voice like a mad rook
leprotic 'dillodom reigns supreme

fake want ad
singing washer approaches hope in the end
jet black cicala

air nostril cut new the fad
inert shoal coded
ghosts in Noh

last bouquin carried · in Alexandria
by the sprockets' gold-vermilion glare
limping skald

across a field of a'a
it's the next barbarian grammar
what's a thul to do?

dissolve in cold champagne perfect sphere of calcspar

"It sponsored its own design competition, awarding prizes to a comical array of colossal statues, triumphal arches and colonnades."

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Monday, February 10, 2020

long pig latin

(via @CrookedCosmos)

Sharon Dilute.

our land shall reap no parallel AWARD
as dunce-acquittal from the team hayWIRER

slouching through Bedlam; what, then, of one's duty
to maintain carnival in the sand ARENA?

here among microcrises superstition
flourishes; old errors would RENEW

Atlantis slides to the bottom of the sea:
so forcefully to our contretemps we're DRAWN

creeping amidst the barricades & traffic
radio gives no hint of enemies LISTS

to win in one small game, & for a time,
half-aware of the wrath towering INERT

already these late vistas lose their shape
melting into sentiment & SEPIA

linear tosh, farewell; let flicker ride
crackle a moment-spark on the siren's TRILL

weary with two worlds' abuse, Graywyvern
carved realist Noh to cherry stones on his STALK

New Scarlett Thomas.

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Sunday, February 09, 2020

eyeless in wuhan


The mummy speaks. (via @jeffreyford8)

The barbarous bird,
It will not tame

What's in a name?
the castle's rook

on some such rock
i read my Mook,
parade my mock

"Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich. (via ruth reifeis on fb)

(six flags new orleans via via @JoyceCarolOates)


Saturday, February 08, 2020

dark night of the sous-chef


"People have got to understand that it’s just as patriotic to try to keep your country from dying, as it is to die for your country." --Frank Serpico (via)


but hitler's acquittal
wasn't the worst thing
that honor goes to the aftermath

wishing this would STOP
or anyway change TONE
post tenable ONCE

with orange, lemon PEEL
back then Styx my OATH
drank white opaque ALOE

never to pay TOLL
by secret handshakes HELD
slippery EDIT

go to join the DODO
song of hoarse IDLE
gangrene taking the TOES

i know this city in all its lights
& i don't know it
Gregorian chants, glitch, torch song

as i thread its streets
lives blank behind the folded shutters

jet trail
just above the low sun
& unseen gulls crying

well it's not IBSEN
nor the nadsat of BOWIE
most pindi of SWAGS

our flag sideways figure EIGHT
over these new broken NESTS

Wolf Cento.

"...punning is incompatible with murder." --The Charterhouse of Parma

(pic via thea temple on fb)


Friday, February 07, 2020

thinking of marcus aurelius in the reign of commodus


"PSA for everyone freaking out about this coronavirus:

A country that YouTubed itself into a 21st Century measles outbreak does not get to talk any shit about anyone else's health practices." --@ElliottKaybooks

"It’s a grimace that somehow sums up American nihilism at the end of the American century..." (via @JoyceCarolOates)

The Games cannot be said to have gotten meaner
Yet they seem, somehow, to be less & less
A fragrance on the tongue. Perhaps it is
The fraud too plain, the readiness to fall
Too managed, as the crowd’s great cry goes up.
Long have I thought upon it. Bread grows dear,
And still we have not seen an honest fall.

Preview of Gwyneth Jones's new Joanna Russ bio. (thread)


Thursday, February 06, 2020

fuligin rummy

Greta's gap year.

say the stars are PASTE
your hero a bad ACTOR
the world's heart, of STONE

the morning light still TONIC;
you emerge from car ERECT

Sometimes we get in a novel from an author i don't recognize, & i have to look at the back to see what genre it is. Well, this one apparently is a Portuguese mermaid steampunk police-procedural romance!.

"Vaporwave is like being stuck somewhere between a math textbook cover and an existential crisis." --@DrunkNotIAm

(via via)

Wednesday, February 05, 2020

lost through time


"Oh Allah, what is your Fire? It is nothing. Let me be the one person to go into your Fire and everyone else will be saved. And what is your Paradise? It is a toy for children. And who are those unbelievers who you want to torture? They are your servants. Forgive them."

- Bayazid al-Bistami (via deenport)

New Balam Acab.

"lost through time above
so wise they could behold this hour
you who never met this new poet
he comes forth not where he’s on earth
we was by old for such tales
too soon if so
small men the young
the night may leave
with little but your poor days"

--Deep Gimble II

"TITAN (Anagrammed Lines)

Somewhere past Saturn:
Atmosphere. Raw sunset.
Rust ore. Ethane swamps."

--Anthony Etherin


Tuesday, February 04, 2020

a child called 'they'

"We are living in a Philip K Dick novel."

with a light heart
bound for the gallows
a grasshopper hight
with a light heart

even in the heat
giggle & gloze
with a light heart
bound for the gallows

Fallen beauty.

(via via mefi)
