"As prehistoric peoples find it harder and harder to feed themselves, inevitably a privileged elite emerges to confiscate communal lands and enslave their inhabitants. They then install a despotic tyrant who hastens ecological collapse by wasting scarce resources on a spree of militarization and temple or pyramid building. This process is almost always accompanied by wholesale murder, torture, and unproductive wars." --Ecological Sociology blog
Kim Dot Dammit on Last Year at Marienbad.
"Tool's Lateralus, a sprawling seventy-minute swatch of arrant contrariness, was sung in Enochian..." --The Music's All That Matters. More.
"Every time I even think of myself, I think of myself only as a box of fictitious animal crackers." --Harry Stephen Keeler
"Arranging my books by those that destroyed my vision, those that destroyed my future, and those that destroyed my vision of the future." --@NeinQuarterly
Labels: #accelerationism