a hardener of suits
(via @Biffo183)
"The unheard drop of leaves furnishing the world" --Rosalie Moore
Funnelclouds ring our horizon
Smileyface morons hold court
inbetween orange & white barrels weaving
Chased by the drone named
Open Your Eyes &
Sea of bad dreams without ending
Desert of senseless spillth
Inbetween orange & white barrels wending
Seeking the jackpot
Buying back all we've
Tossed on the waves of a wildfire
Lost in the stars is one stone
Inbetween orange & white barrels standing
Some of us crawl
Some of us not even that
"The rite baptismal in the cleansing wave" --Hoole's Ariosto
(via Laura E Ostteen on Fb)
"stealing alms from a riddle of meager yards"
Labels: #CassiniDiskus